Cara Instalasi Windows XP

Cara Instalasi Windows XP

Windows XP adalah suatu sistem pengoperasian (operating system) yang paling banyak dipakai sampai saat ini karena selain kemudahan dalam pemakaiannya Windows XP digunakan sebagai standarisasi pembelajaran yang di pakai oleh sekolahan-sekolahan dan perguruan tinggi pada umumnya.

Untuk melakukan penginstalan windows xp diperlukan ketelitian dan kesabaran dalam prosesnya karena memerlukan waktu yang lumayan lama.

Ada beberapa jenis windows xp diantaranya windows xp professional, Home Edition, Media Center Edition, Tablet PC Edition, Starter Edition, Professional x64 Edition, Professional 64-bit Edition For Itanium.

berikut langkah-langkah yang mudah dan lengkap cara menginstal windows xp :



Atur bios terlebih dahulu agar prioritas bootingnya dimulai dari CD(DVD)-ROM, caranya:

Masuk ke BIOS dengan menekan tombol Del, atau F1, atau juga F2.
Pilih menu Advanced Settings, kemudian carilah ‘Boot Priority’ atau yang sejenis.

ubah pengaturanya, agar CDROM jadi urutan yang pertama kemungkinan pilihan ini ada 2 jenis

* menu ‘First boot priority’, ‘Second boot priority’ dll: Aturlah ‘First boot priority’ ke ‘CDROM’ dengan menekan tombol PgDn/Pgup (Page Down/Up) atau +/-.
Atur juga ‘Second boot priority’nya ke HDD0/HDD1.
* Jika menunya ‘Boot priority’: atur ke ‘CDROM, C, A’ atau ‘CDROM, A,

dengan menekan tombol PgDn/Up.

Cara paling mudah instal windows xp
(lengkap dengan gambar):

gak usah di utak-atik biosnya. biarin aja bios diload masukin CD WINDOWSnya, lalu Restart komputer, trus tekan-tekan F8 atau F10 atau F11 (boleh dicoba satu-satu) nanti bakal muncul opsi boot selection. pilih aja yg ada 'bau' cd-nya. trus enter. selesai pake repot-repot...

Tunggu beberapa saat sampai muncul tulisan "press any key to boot from CD" seperti tampilan Seperti gambar di bawah ini

5. Tekan ENTER atau sembarang tombol, lalu proses instalasi akan mengecek hardware komputer anda, kemudian akan muncul tulisan "windows setup" seperti gambar dibawah ini

6. Lalu file-file di dalam cd akan di load ke dalam komputer, kemudian akan muncul tampilan "welcome to setup" seperti gambar dibawah ini

7. Tekan "ENTER" untuk menginstal windows xp, "R" untuk repair system windows yang sebelumnya pernah terinstal, "F3" untuk keluar dari proses instalasi, lalu akan muncul (End User Licese Aggrement) seperti gambar di bawah ini

8. Tekan "F8" kemudian proses instalasi akan mencari dan membaca partisi hardisk anda, kemudian akan muncul semua partisi hardisk anda, seperti gambar di bawah ini

9. Tekan "ENTER" untuk langsung menginstal windows, "C" untuk membuat partisi hardisk anda, kapasitas partisi sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, dalam satuan MB, selanjutnya jika anda membuat partisi dengan menekan tombol "C", maka akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini

10. Kemudian tuliskan kapasitas partisi yang ingin anda buat, seperti terlihat pada gambar diatas, sebagai contoh, misalkan kapasitas hardisk anda 80 GB, lalu anda ingin membagi dua, maka tuliskan 40000,jangan 40, karna partisi satuannya MB, tentunya anda mengerti kan...?? cat" 1GB = 1000 MB

Kenudian tekan "ENTER" maka akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah ini

12. kemudian pilih "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" atau "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" lalu tekan "ENTER" maka akan muncul layar sepert gambar di bawah ini

13. Kemudian arahkan pointer pada posisi "unpartitioned space", lalu tekan "C" maka akan muncul gambar seperti gambar sebelumnya, dalam hal ini layar yang akan muncul seperti gambar sebelumnya menunjukan sisa partisi yang telah anda bagi, jika anda cuma membagi 2 partisi saja maka langsung tekan "ENTER" tapi jika anda ingin mempartisi lagi sisa hardisknya maka tinggal di bagi lagi aj, seperti langkah-langkah sebelumnya, mengertikan maksud saya....??
setelah selesai partisi ketika anda menekan "ENTER" seperti yang di jelaskan di atas, maka akan muncul gambar sperti gambar diatas, setelah itu arahkan poiter di posisi C: partition1 [New Raw], tapi biasanya sudah berada di posisi tersebut, maka anda tinggal menekan "ENTER" saja untuk proses instalasi windows, kemudian akan muncul proses format seperti gambar di bawah ini

14. Setelah selesai format, kemudian windows akan ,menyalin file untuk proses instalasi, seperti gambar di bawah ini

15. Setelah proses penyalinan selesai, secara otomatis komputer akan melakukan restart seperti gambar di bawah ini, dalam hal ini untuk mempercepat proses restart, anda bisa langsung menekan "ENTER"

16. Setelah itu akan muncul loading windows seperti gambar di bawah ini

17. selanjutnya proses instalasi windows di mulai 1..2..3...GOoooo muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

18. selanjutnya tinggal menunggu, karna selanjutnya akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

19. Langsung klik "NEXT" aja lalu mucul lagi layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

20. Isi nama dan organisasinya, terserah aja, lalu tekan "NEXT" kemudian akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

21. Masukan serial nombernya, jangan sampe salah ya....!!! kemudian tekan "Next" selanjutnya akan muncul layar administrator, isi aja mau dinamain apa komputernya, terserah deeeehhhhh......
kalau mau pake pasword tinggal di isi juga paswordnya, terserah juga mo apa paswordnya.... lalu tekan "Next" maka muncul layar Date and Time Setting seperti gambar di bawah ini

22. Masukan settingan jam dan tanggal, tentukan juga time zone anda, untuk jakarta : pilih GMT+7 Klik "Next" lagi BOS.... setelah proses instalasi windows delanjutkan, seperti gambar di bawah ini

23. Silahkan Menunggu lumayan lama BOS,.... sampai muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

24. Selanjutnya akan muncul layar work group or computer Domain,seperti gambar di bawah ini

25. Jika komputer anda terhubung dengan sebuah domain, maka isikan nama domainnya, tapi jika komputer anda stand alone, maka pilih radio button yang paling atas, lalu tekan "Next"

26. Selanjutnya akan muncul display setting, seperti gambar di bawah ini, klik "OK" aja

27. Kemudian windows akan mendeteksi tampilan optimal dari PC anda, seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, Klik "OK" aja.

28. Proses instalasi hampir selesai, selanjutnya akan muncul loading jendela windows seperti gambar di bawah ini

29. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa masuk ke dalam windows untuk pertama kalinya seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, tekan "Next" aja.

30. Selanjutnya akan muncul layar "Help Protect Your PC", seperti gambar di bawah ini, kemudian pilih "Not Right Now" lalu tekan "Next"

31. Kemudian komputer akan mengecek koneksi ke internet, seprti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, pilih "Yes" lalu tekan "Next"

32. Kemudian akan muncul pilihan aktivasi windows, seperti gambar di bawah ini, lalu tekan "Next"

33. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar di bawah ini yang menunjukan pilihan untuk menambah pengguna komputer, Anda bisa memasukkan beberapa pengguna yang akan mengakses komputer Anda, Namun jika satu akun sudah cukup, atau Anda menginstall komputer untuk dipakai bergantian, cukup masukkan satu user kemudian klik "Next"

34. Proses instalasi windows selesai, kemudian akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini, klik "Finish", maka proses instalasi selesai.....

35. Selesailah sudah semua, kemudian perlahan masuk ke windowsnya seperti telihat pada gambar di bawah ini

36. Kemudian tinggal menginstal CD Driver Motherboad, dan perangkat pendukung lainnya....

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Rano Karno (part 2)

Kunci Sukses Rano Karno: Cintai Pekerjaan dan Terus Belajar

Dikutip dari [Edisi online: Selasa, 1 Januari 2008]Anak betawi ketinggalan zaman, katenye“. Apakah Anda masih ingat penggalan soundtrack sinetron ini? Ya, ini adalah penggalan lagu sinetron Si Doel Anak Sekolahan. Sinetron berlatar belakang keluarga Betawi ini sempat menyedot perhatian pemirsa televisi beberapa tahun lalu.
Rano Karno beserta Babe, nyak, Bang Mandra dan Atun dalam Si Doel Anak Sekolahan
Rano Karno beserta Babe, nyak, Bang Mandra dan Atun dalam Si Doel Anak Sekolahan
Berjuta masyarakat Indonesia seakan terhipnotis dengan tayangan ini. Pantas saja jika sinetron ini terus diputar bergantian di berbagai stasiun televisi. Bahkan, tidak puas dengan satu versi, sinetron tersebut dibuat hingga enam versi.
Rano Karno adalah sutradara sekaligus pemain dalam sinetron ini. Dia sengaja membuat sinetron dengan tujuan untuk mengangkat citra betawi yang selama ini buruk. Sejak saat itulah nama Rano Karno kembali berkibar. Sebelumnya, Rano juga berakting dalam film Si Doel Anak Betawi (1972) karya Sjumandjaja yang diangkat dari cerita aman Datoek Madjoindo. Sejak saat itu, cikal bakal kesuksesan Rano di dunia perfilman kian bersinar.
Padahal, pemeran pemilik tahi lalat di dagu kiri ini mengaku, perjalanan membuat sinetron tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Berbagai penolakan kerap menjadi santapan artis kawakan ini.
“Namun, saat saya diberikan kesempatan untuk membuktikan diri, tidak akan saya sia-siakan. Akhirnya, setelah kita bisa membuktikan, orang baru percaya bahwa kita bisa melakukannya. Itu adalah hal yang lumrah dalam dunia perfilman,” ungkap penerima penghargaan Tokoh Televisi 1995 ini.
Pria kelahiran 8 Oktober 1960 ini mengaku bangga atas prestasi yang diraihnya. Bahkan, dengan terjun di dunia sinema membuat dirinya mengerti bahwa ini adalah jalan hidup yang harus dijalaninya.
“Sehingga, saya harus terus meyakinkan diri untuk mencintai pekerjaan ini. Kalau tidak ada kecintaan di dunia film ini, saya yakin tidak akan bertahan lama,” ujar pemain terbaik FFI 1980 ini.
Selama 37 tahun bergelut dalam dunia keartisan, banyak suka maupun duka yang dialami Rano. Namun, pengalaman yang berkesan baginya adalah bisa mengenal artis-artis senior yang dahulu berjaya.
“Saya bisa bermain dengan Bing Slamet, Pak Kuncung, Mak Uwok. Bahkan, bisa mendapat pengalaman berharga dari sutradara terbaik seperti Sjumandjaja. Hal itulah yang tidak bisa saya lupakan, mereka adalah guru dalam hidup saya,”kenang Direktur Utama PT Karnos Film ini.
Maraknya peredaran film maupun sinetron yang tidak sesuai dengan budaya timur, membuat mantan anggota MPR tahun 2002-2007 ini geleng kepala. Dia mengaku sangat prihatin dengan perkembangan perfilman sekarang ini.
“Beberapa waktu lalu saya ke Bandung. Kemudian ada seorang bertanya kepada saya. Bang, apakah anak-anak sekolah di Jakarta seperti di film atau sinetron? Saya jadi sedih, kita harus punya tanggung jawab atas tontonan yang kita tampilkan,”cetus pemain Anak terbaik FFI tahun 1974.
Rano berpesan, dalam dunia seni tidak cukup hanya dengan bermodal ganteng, cakep, seksi. Namun, bagaimana seseorang dapat menggali potensi-potensi yang selama ini terpendam.
“Kalau memang ingin menekuni dunia peran, maka belajarlah untuk berakting. Dengan mengikuti kelas drama ataupun kelas acting, andaikan ingin lebih memperdalam lagi bisa belajar sinematografi. Belajar bagaimana angel (sudut-sudut) mana yang bagus, memahami kamera yang bagus apa yang digunakan. Ini penting untuk diketahui,” tukasnya.
Kesuksesan Tidak Membuat Rano Gelap Mata
Walaupun Rano telah menjadi seorang yang cukup dikenal dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu, namun ia tidak ingin memanfaatkan itu. Dalam kebijakan keluarga, Rano mengaku telah memberikan kebebasan untuk buah hatinya memilih yang terbaik.
“Ibarat kata, saya mempunyai capital dan capability. Saya tidak mau anak saya menjadi seperti saya. Kalau memang saya lihat dia tidak berbakat di dunia seperti yang saya tekuni tidak akan saya paksakan,” tandas bapak dua bersaudara ini.
Dia mengakui, kesibukannya dalam seni peran kadang telah menyita waktu dan pikiran. Namun, Rano tidak takut untuk menjalani kehidupan karena ada wanita cantik yang selalu mendampingi dan mengerti karakternya.
Dewi Indriati, wanita yang setia mendampingi Rano dalam mengisi waktunya, ditambah dengan sang buah hati Raka Widyarma dan Deantri Rakasiwi, membuat kehidupan Rano kian lengkap. Sadar dengan pekerjaan yang tidak tetap, Rano selalu berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi kedua belahan jiwanya.
“‘Faktor iman akan menjadi sebuah kekuatan bagi mereka menghadapi tantangan itu,” papar artis era 70-an ini.
Dia menambahkan, agar anak-anak mendapat pendidikan agama yang memadai, Rano dan Dewi Indriati sengaja memilih menyekolahkan mereka di sekolah Islam. “Untuk lebih memperkuat ilmu agama, kita juga mengundang guru mengaji ke rumahnya,” tandasnya.
Nama : Rano Karno
Tempat/ Tgl Lahir : Jakarta, 8 Oktober 1960
Agama : Islam
Alamat : Jalan Karang Sari VII, Lebak Bulus-Jakarta Selatan
Nama Ayah : Alm. Sukarno M Noor
Nama Ibu : Istriati Rawumali
Jumlah Keluarga :
1. Rubby Karno
2. Alm. Tino Karno
3. Rano Karno
4. Santy Karno
5. Suty Karno
6. M Nurly Karno
Nama Isteri : Dewi Indriati
Nama Anak : Raka Widyarma dan Deanti Rakasiwi
Pekerjaan : Aktor/ Wiraswasta dan Dirut PT Karnos Film
Penghargaan Film :
  1. Pemain Anak Terbaik FFI 1974 (Surabaya) dalam Film “Rio Anakku
  2. Pemain Anak Terbaik Asia Pasisfik FFA 1974 (Taiwan) dalam Film “Dimana Kau Ibu
  3. Pemain Terbaik FFI 1980 (Jakarta) dalam Film Taksi
Pengahragaan TV :
  1. Tokoh Televisi 1995
  2. Sutradara Terbaik
  3. Pemain Terbaik
  4. Sinetron Terbaik “Si Doel Anak Sekolahan
Pengalaman Organisasi :
  1. Anggota MPR Periode 1997-2002
  2. Duta Besar UNICEF untuk Indonesia Tahun 2002

Sinopsis Global Si Doel Anak Sekolahan

Kisah si Doel Anak Sekolahan merupakan sebuah cerita fenomenal. Maklum kesederhanaan tokoh dan ceritanya sanggup membuat hati pemirsanya tak sanggup untuk melewatkan satu episode pun. Kisah yang diawali dengan hadirnya sebuah keluarga Betawi asli ini pun bergulir. Tokoh Si doel awalnya menjadi sentral dalam sinetron hasil garapan Karnos Film ini.
Si Doel yang merupakan anak pertama dari keluarga Sabeni menuntut ilmu di sebuah universitas. Jurusan teknik mesin menjadi pilihan Doel karena dilatar belakangi oleh kehidupan Si Doel yang ditopang dari hasil tarikan oplet babehnya yang hanya sekedar supir oplet. Sementara Mpok Amineh, Ibu Si doel, ikut membantu ekonomi keluarga dengan membuka warung kecil-kecilan. Atun, Adik Doel, hanyalah seorang lulusan sekolah rendahan.
Hal tersebut tentunya bukan tanpa alasan, Babeh Doel ingin agar salah satu dari anaknya menjadi “orang” dan karenanya Atun pun kemudian tidak lagi melanjutkan sekolahnya. Disamping itu Atun pun sebenarnya sosok adik yang tahu diri. Walaupun dia tidak lagi dibiayai sekolah (karena babeh Doel tak mampu untuk menyekolahkan dua anaknya sekaligus) tapi dia masih mau membantu ibunya untuk menjaga warung.
Mandra sosok adik Mpok Amineh menumpang hidup dikeluarga Doel. Pemuda pengangguran ini awalnya hidup bersama ayah Mpok Amineh. Namun belakangan terjadi keributan kecil yang membuat Mandra akhirnya memutuskan tinggal bersama keluarga Sabeni. Awalnya Sabeni keberatan, namun karena Mandra adik dari istrinya, Mandra pun diperbolehkan tinggal bersama mereka.
Kisah cinta Si Doel pun banyak dikupas. Dua orang wanita dalam hidup Doel membuatnya pusing. Sarah dan Zaenab merupakan dua sosok wanita dalam kehidupan Doel. Awalnya Sarah hanyalah sosok mahasiswa perguruan tinggi luar negeri hanya ingin tahu serta meneliti kebudayaan masyarakat Betawi. Dan pilihan pun jatuh pada keluarga Doel. Awal yang biasa akhirnya membuat Doel dan Sarah pun menjadi lebih dekat.
Sementara itu Zaenab merupakan sosok wanita asli Betawi yang sejak kecil sudah dijodohkan dengan Doel. Doel jelas tak setuju dengan perjodohan itu. Namun demikian Zaenab di mata Doel hanyalah sosok wanita yang bisa ia jadikan adik. Padahal Zaenab sendiri sebenarnya jatuh hati pada si Doel. Namun layaknya orang wanita timur, Zaenab sulit untuk mengungkapkan rasa cintanya. Terlebih pas dia tahu bahwa sudah ada Sarah di hati Doel.
Kisah demi kisah yang terjadi dalam keluarga Doel mengalir seperti air. Bagi pemirsa setianya, kehadiran Si Doel anak sekolahan merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga. Permasalahan-demi permasalahan hadir dengan susunan yang apik. Pemirsa setia Si Doel seolah merasa tak pernah bosan karena cerita yang dihadirkan setiap minggunya.

Pemain Si Doel Anak Sekolahan

  • Rano Karno sebagai Doel, seorang mahasiswa yang juga berprofesi menyupir oplet
  • Benyamin S sebagai Sabeni, ayah Doel
  • Aminah Cendrakasih sebagai Mak Nyak, ibu Doel
  • Mandra sebagai Mandra, adik Mak Nyak atau paman Doel
  • Cornelia Agatha sebagai Sarah
  • Maudy Koesnaedi sebagai Zaenab
  • Suti Karno sebagai Atun, adik Doel
  • Basuki sebagai Karyo
  • Bendot sebagai Bendot, mertua Karyo
  • H. Tile sebagai Engkong si Doel

Si Doel Anak Sekolahan Tayang di TV Belanda

Dikutip dari [Edisi online: Kamis, 12 Oktober 2006]Sinetron ‘Si Doel Anak Sekolahan’ ternyata tak hanya disukai di dalam negeri. Kata pembuatnya, Rano Karno, sudah dua tahun ini Si Doel tayang di sebuah stasiun TV di Belanda. Rano mengekspor sinetron yang sempat berjaya di tahun 1996 itu tepatnya ke kota Amsterdam, Belanda. Di Negeri Kincir Angin tersebut Si Doel tayang di sebuah TV kabel yaitu Garuda TV. “TV itu yang punya orang Indonesia juga, salah satunya Enteng Tanamal,” kata Rano saat ditemui detikhot di Planet Hollywood, Jakarta, baru-baru ini. Bagaimana ceritanya Rano bisa mengeskpor si Doel? Dituturkan Rano, ia ditawari pihak Garuda TV. TV tersebut sebagian besar acaranya memang berisi seputar Indonesia. “Tapi mereka lebih memutar acara yang bersifat culture. Kayak Si Doel, Cut Nyak Dien. Mereka cari yang local content-nya kuat,” ceritanya. Saat ini Rano sendiri juga tengah menyiapkan konsep acara lain yang juga siap dieskpornya ke Belanda. Acara tersebut nantinya akan mengupas seputar budaya dan gaya hidup orang Indonesia.
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Rano Karno

Jakarta, 8 Oktober 1960


Wakil Bupati Tangerang, Maret 2008-2013

Dewi Indriati

1. Raka Widyarma
2. Deanti Rakasiwi

Sukarno M Noor

Istriati Rawumali

1. Rubby Karno
2. Tino Karno
3. Rano Karno
4. Santy Karno
5. Suty Karno
6. M Nurly Karno

maaf tidak diketahui

- Aktor/ Wiraswasta dan Dirut PT Karnos Film

Penghargaan Film
1. Pemain Anak Terbaik FFI 1974 (Surabaya) dalam Film "Rio Anakku
2. Pemain Anak Terbaik Asia Pasisfik FFA 1974 (Taiwan) dalam Film "Dimana Kau Ibu
3. Pemain Terbaik FFI 1980 (Jakarta) dalam Film Taksi

Pengahragaan TV
1. Tokoh Televisi 1995
2. Sutradara Terbaik
3. Pemain Terbaik
4. Sinetron Terbaik "Si Doel Anak Sekolahan
5. Penghargaan Surjosoemanto dari BP2N (Dewan Film Nasional) 1997

Pengalaman lain
1. Anggota MPR Periode 1997-2002
2. Duta Besar UNICEF untuk Indonesia Tahun 2002

Jalan Karang Sari VII, Lebak Bulus-Jakarta Selatan

Sekilas Tentang Rano Karno

Aktor terkenal, pemeran utama sinetron Si Doel Anak Sekolahan ini dipilih rakyat menjabat Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Tangerang, Provinsi Banten periode 2008-2013. Pria kelahiran 8 Oktober 1960 ini akrab dipanggil Bang Doel (Si Doel). Sebagai seorang pejabat, dia kini lebih memikirkan kepentingan rakyatnya dan memvakumkan keartisan.

Rano Karno terlihat berupaya Fokus dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Sebagai Wakil Bupati, dia lebih banyak memikirkan hal-hal yang menyangkut kesejahteraan warganya. Menurutnya, Tangerang sebagai kota industri juga menjadi sasaran pendatang dari berbagai daerah sehingga perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Dia pun menghentikan sementara semua kegiatan keartisannya.

Namanya melejit setelah menyutradarai sekaligus membintangi sinetron Si Doel Anak Sekolahan. Senetron dengan soundtrack "Anak betawi ketinggalan zaman, katenye" (Judul Si Doel Anak Betawi), itu sangat menarik perhatian pemirsa televisi kala itu. Sinetron cukup kuat mengangkat Citra betawi yang selama ini tertinggal.

Sebelum sinetron Si Doel Anak Sekolahan, Rano Karno sempat membintangi film Si Doel Anak Betawi (1972) karya Sjumandjaja yang diangkat dari cerita aman Datoek Madjoindo. Film ini pula sebagai awal kesuksesan Rano di dunia perfilman.

Selama 37 tahun bergelut dalam dunia keartisan, Rano telah meraih berbagai penghargaan. Antara lain: Pemain Anak Terbaik FFI 1974 (Surabaya) dalam Film "Rio Anakku; Pemain Anak Terbaik Asia Pasisfik FFA 1974 (Taiwan) dalam Film "Dimana Kau Ibu; Pemain Terbaik FFI 1980 (Jakarta) dalam Film Taksi. Juga Pengahragaan TV sebagai Tokoh Televisi 1995; Sutradara Terbaik; Pemain Terbaik; Sinetron Terbaik "Si Doel Anak Sekolahan

Suami dari Dewi Indriati dan ayah dari Raka Widyarma dan Deanti Rakasiwi, ini juga pernah menjabat Anggota MPR Periode 1997-2002 dan dipercaya menjadi Duta Besar UNICEF untuk Indonesia Tahun 2002.

Sebagai produser film melalui Karnos Film, Rano Karno selain memproduksi Si Doel Anak Sekolahan juga memproduksi sinetron Kembang Ilalang dan Usaha Gawat Darurat. Sebelumnya, ia juga bernyanyi. Lagunya yang cukup terkenal pada era 1980-an adalah Kau yang Kusayang dan Bukalah Kacamatamu.

Keartisannya menitis dari ayahnya Soekarno M. Noer, seorang aktor kawakan. Dua saudaranya juga menjadi artis yakni Tino Karno dan Suti Karno.

Sejak berusia sembilan tahun, Rano sudah diikutkan ayahnya membintangi film Lewat Tengah Malam, memerankan tokoh anak. Lalu Sjuman Djaja melejitkan namanya denga memberinya kepercayaan sebagai bintang utama dalam film Si Doel Anak Betawi (1972).

Menyusul, ia membintangi film Rio Anakku (1973). Melalui fil ini, Rano memperoleh penghargaan Aktor Harapan I PWI Jaya (1974). Dalam Festifal Film Asia 1974 di Taipei, Taiwan, ia meraih hadiah The Best Child Actor.

Kemudian, Rano membintangi film dalam peranan dewasa lewat film Wajah Tiga Perempuan (1976), Suci Sang Primadona (1977), Gita Cinta dari SMA (1979).

Selain punya bakat berakting, Rano Rano pun belajar akting di East West Player, Amerika Serikat.

Sebelum terpilih menjadi Wakil Bupati Tangerang mendampingi Bupati Ismet Iskandar pada Pilkada Tangerang 2008, Rano pernah diwacanakan menjadi Calon Wakil Gubernur (Cawagub) DKI Jakarta pada awal tahun 2007. Namun tiba-tiba ia dan keluarga Si Doel muncul di iklan yang mendukung Fauzi Bowo.

Filmografi Rano Karno

Malin Kundang (1971); Lingkaran Setan (1972 ); Tabah Sampai Akhir (1973); Si Doel Anak Betawi (1973); Yatim (1973); Rio Anakku (1973); Di Mana Kau Ibu (1973); Si Rano (1973); Romi dan Juli (1974); Jangan Biarkan Mereka Lapar (1974); Perawan Malam (1974); Anak Bintang (1974); Ratapan Si Miskin (1974); Senyum Dipagi Bulan September (1974); Senyum dan Tangis (1974).

Sebelum Usia 17 (1975); Tragedi Tante Sex (1976); Wajah Tiga Perempuan (1976); Semau Gue (1977); Suci Sang Primadona (1977); Musim Bercinta (1978); Pelajaran Cinta (1979); Anak-Anak Buangan (1979); Buah Terlarang (1979); Gita Cinta dari S.M.A (1979); Remaja di Lampu Merah (1979); Puspa Indah Taman Hati (1979); Remaja-Remaja (1979);

Nikmatnya Cinta (1980); Roman Picisan (1980); Selamat Tinggal Masa Remaja (1980); Selamat Tinggal Duka (1980); Kembang Semusim (1980); Nostalgia di S.M.A (1980); Tempatmu di Sisiku (1980); Yang Kembali Bersemi (1980); Kisah Cinta Tommi dan Jerri (1980); Kau Tercipta Untukku (1980); Aladin dan Lampu Wasiat (1980); Senyummu Adalah Tangisku (1980);
Bunga Cinta Kasih (1981); Mawar Cinta Berduri Duka (1981); Detik-Detik Cinta Menyentuh (1981); Dalam Lingkaran Cinta (1981);

Yang (1984); Asmara di Balik Pintu (1984); Untukmu Kuserahkan Segalanya (1984); Ranjau-Ranjau Cinta (1985); Tak Ingin Sendiri (1985); Kidung Cinta (1985); Yang Masih di Bawah Umur (1985); Pertunangan (1985); Anak-Anak Malam (1986); Merangkul Langit (1986); Di Dadaku Ada Cinta (1986); Opera Jakarta (1986); Blauw Bloed (1986); Bilur-Bilur;

Penyesalan (1987); Arini, Masih Ada Kereta Yang Lewat (1987); Macan Kampus (1987); Dia Bukan Bayiku (1988); Arini II (1988); Sumpah Keramat (1988); Adikku Kekasiku (1989); Taksi (1990); Perasaan Perempuan (1990); Suamiku Sayang (1990); Sejak Cinta Diciptakan (1990); Pagar Ayu (1990); Taksi Juga (1991); Bernafas Dalam Lumpur (1991); Perawan Metropolitan (1991); Sekretaris (1991); Kuberikan Segalanya (1992); Selembut Wajah Anggun (1992); dan Kembali Lagi (1993)

Sinetron Rano Karno: Si Doel Anak Sekolahan 1-6; Si Doel Anak Gedongan; Gita Cinta Dari SMA; Puspa Indah Taman Hati; Pelangi Di Hatiku; Maha Kasih (episode Putus Asa Itu Dosa); dan Jomblo.

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(part 1)

Origin Seoul, South Korea
Genres Pop, R&B, hip hop, electropop, electro hop, dance, pop rock, electronic dance
Years active 2009–present
Labels YG Entertainment, Avex Group, and Music Group
Associated acts Teddy, Big Bang, YG Family, Jeremy Scott,
Website Official Website
Korean name
Hangul 투애니원
Revised Romanization Tuaeniwon
McCune–Reischauer T‘uaeniwŏn
2NE1 (Korean: 투애니원; Tuaeniwon) is a popular South Korean hip-hop/pop girl group formed by YG Entertainment in 2009. The band consists of four members: CL, Dara, Bom and Minzy. The name 2NE1 combines the phrases "21st century" and "new evolution",[1] and is pronounced "twenty-one" or "To Anyone".[2]
They first appeared in "Lollipop", a commercial campaign with Big Bang for LG Electronics, and their debut single "Fire" was released on May 6, 2009. Since then, the group has released two extended plays, 2NE1 and 2NE1 2nd Mini Album, and one studio album, To Anyone.
Fans of 2NE1 are called Blackjacks, which is a reference to the card game Blackjack, also known as Twenty-one.



The group was first mentioned by the press in late 2008. YG Entertainment announced that the group would consist of four members and debut sometime in May 2009.[3] The company stated that the group had trained for 4 years, and that their debut album would contain songs produced by 1TYM leader Teddy Park.[3][4][5] The group's name was initially announced as "21"; however, due to the discovery of a singer with the same name, the group was quickly renamed "2NE1".[6]

2009: Debut

In collaboration with Big Bang, 2NE1's first CF song was "Lollipop", digitally released on March 27, 2009.[3] The song was created for LG to promote their Cyon phone. The music video debuted on March 28, 2009.[7] Although it was not a promoted single because it was an advertisement (there were problems with network chart eligibility[8]), "Lollipop" went to number one on various online charts[8] and topped the online chart of music television network Mnet for four weeks in a row.[9]
On April 30, YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk revealed that 2NE1's debut song would be a hip-hop and reggae song, and that it would be digitally released on May 6, 2009.[10] Titled "Fire", the song was written and produced by 1TYM's Teddy Park.[11][unreliable source?] Teasers of the song were released on their official website at the beginning of May, with a 20-second clip released on May 1.[12]
"Fire" was released as planned on May 6, with two versions of the music video — a "space" version and a "street" version — released the same day.[13] During the first 24 hours, the videos received over one million views.[14] The group's first performance of the song was on May 17, 2009, on SBS's Inkigayo,[15] beginning the group's activities.
Both the song and the group became popular online: Fire topped Mnet's online chart and 2NE1 became a popular search term.[16] The group was awarded three Cyworld Digital Music Awards; "Lollipop" and "Fire" both won "Song of the Month" and the group won "Rookie of the Month" for May 2009.[17] 2NE1 received their first Mutizen award after their fourth stage performance in SBS Inkigayo (Popular Song) on June 14, 2009. They received their second Mutizen award on SBS Inkigayo on June 21, 2009. Two days afterwards, 2NE1 signed a deal with Fila to become the models for the new commercial campaign.[18]
"I Don't Care" was released as the second single on July 1, 2009,[19] with promotions starting in early July.[20] Yang Hyun Suk stated that the song would demonstrate a softer, more feminine image.[19] A reggae version of "I Don't Care" was performed on SBS's Inkigayo, signaling the end of promotions for the song.[21] However, due to the remix's popularity, it was released to digital outlets on September 3, 2009, and became their next digital single.[21]
Along with three other groups representing Korea, 2NE1 performed in the 6th Asia Song Festival in September 2009, where they received the 2009's "Asian Newcomer's Award."[22]
2NE1 received many year-end awards, including Best Rookie Award and Song of the Year Award. Their hit single I Don't Care was named 2009's Best Selling Song on music sites Bugs, Monkey3, and Cyworld.

2010: Return to group activities, and To Anyone

On February 9, 2010, without previous notice, "Follow Me" (Korean: "날 따라해봐요", "Nal ddara haebwayo") was released to digital outlets and used as a theme song for Samsung Corby Folder.[23] Over the summer, 2NE1 traveled to Los Angeles and London in order to record English songs for a possible American debut with The Black Eyed Peas member So far, group has recorded 10 songs.[24] YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk stated that the girls are planned to debut sometime in 2011 or early 2012, after The Black Eyed Peas' global tour and 2NE1's own activities in Korea and Japan.[25]
The first studio and full length album, To Anyone, was released on September 9, 2010 and was a huge success.[26] The album contains 12 tracks including three title songs, namely "Clap Your Hands" (Korean: "박수 쳐"), "Go Away" and "Can't Nobody", which were promoted simultaneously. 2NE1 won first place on Mnet M! Countdown for "Clap Your Hands" on the day of their comeback, followed by a K-Chart win the next day on KBS Music Bank for "Go Away", and a Mutizen a week after their SBS Inkigayo comeback for "Can't Nobody." Overall, 2NE1 won first place eleven times on various music shows.[27]
To promote the album, the group made its first entertainment show appearance as a group on KBS variety-talk show Win Win.[28] 2NE1 also aired the second season of 2NE1 TV.
On October 21, Yang Hyun Suk announced that 2NE1 would be releasing a follow up song on October 31, later revealed to be "It Hurts (Slow)" (Korean: "아파").[29][30] It was first performed on SBS Inkigayo. The music video is directed by Kim Hye Jung, the same director for G-Dragon's "Butterfly." The music video was released on November 1 and was themed for Halloween.[31]
In addition, on October 28, it was revealed that 2NE1's official record label in Japan will be Avex, and that To Anyone would be re-released in Japan on December 8, 2010. However, the release was delayed to an indefinite time.[32] The group also promoted in Thailand, where To Anyone released on October 28, 2010.[33] On November 26, 2NE1 released the single "Don't Stop the Music" as a "special gift for Thai fans".[34]

2011: Korean Comeback and Japanese Debut

Originally, 2NE1's Japanese debut was planned for December 2010, but this was delayed to September 2011, with singles releasing throughout the summer.[35] 2NE1's American promotions with of the Black Eyed Peas has no set time for release yet, because of the Black Eyed Peas' album release of The Beginning and subsequent touring.[36]
On January 19, "Can't Nobody (English Version)" was released on Recochoku as ringtones and ringback tones.[37] On February 2, the "Can't Nobody (English Version)" music video was made available for download through iTunes Japan. On February 22, Avex announced that 2NE1 will release their Japanese debut single "Go Away", previously used as a Korean promotional single, as a ringtone on March 9, 2011.[38] It was later announced to be the theme song of Japanese television program Mezamashi TV.[39] On March 16, the group released 2NE1, their first extended play, in Japan, with no promotions because of the Tōhoku Earthquake and tsunami.[40] It debuted at #24 on the Oricon charts, selling 3,860 copies.[41] 2NE1 initially planned to make their official Japanese debut live on Music Station, but have since postponed their debut due to the earthquake.[42] 2NE1 participated in the Naver "Pray for Japan" campaign alongside many other Korean celebrities, helping to raise funds for earthquake victims.[43]
On April 18, 2NE1 announced their Korean comeback plans, pushing their mini-album, 2NE1 2nd Mini Album promotions forward from July to April.[40] Park Bom's solo project, "Don't Cry", was unveiled on April 21. After Park Bom sang an acoustic version of Don't Cry on YG on Air, leader CL said a new Korean single called "Lonely" would be released on May 12, 2011. A behind-the-scenes video of Lonely was shown on the second episode of YG on Air, and the music video of Lonely premiered on May 11, 2011. On June 24, 2NE1 released a single produced by Teddy Park at midnight, titled "I Am The Best". Within 24 hours of release, "I Am The Best" topped all the major Korean charts, except for Monkey3 where the song was ranked second. As the day progressed, the song ultimately became first and was certified as a "perfect all-kill".[44] On July 21, 2NE1 released their animated music video, "Hate You", directed by Mari Kim, which also topped all major Korean charts, with the exception of peaking at #3 on the Gaon Chart. On July 28, along with the release of the full mini-album, the single "Ugly" and its music video were released, and again "Ugly" topped all major Korean charts. Promotions for 2NE1's Korean comeback were scheduled to end around late August. Following the end of promotions, 2NE1 had their first sold-out solo concert at the Olympic Hall in the Chamsil Olympic Park on August 26, 27 and 28 in Seoul, South Korea.
After concluding Korean promotions for their second mini-album, 2NE1 made their official debut in Japan in September 2011.[45] Prior to this, 2NE1 has released Japanese versions of "I Am The Best", "Hate You", and "Ugly". 2NE1 also released the Japanese version of "Go Away" on November 18, 2011 in three versions, following their late 2011 Japanese album and promotions.[46] The music video for the Japanese version of "Go Away" showcased their costome made JS Collage Wings x 2NE1 sneakers by American designer Jeremy Scott, who has been a contributing factor in their global success.[47]
In the beginning of October, MTV Iggy, an international branch of MTV that promotes new and international music, held a global competition with 10 bands from all around the world who competed in a voting competition for the "Best New Band".[48] With their song "I Am the Best",[49] they were crowned winners of this title on November 10th, 2011, marking their first US Award. 2NE1 performed at Times Square New York in December 2011 due to this honor.


Stage name Birth name Date of birth Position
Romanized Hangul Romanized Hangul
CL 씨엘 Lee Chaerin 이채린 February 26, 1991 (age 20) Leader, Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Bom Park Bom 박봄 March 24, 1984 (age 27) Main Vocalist, Visual
Dara 다라 Sandara Park 박산다라 November 12, 1984 (age 27) Vocalist, Visual
Minzy 민지 Gong Minji 공민지 January 18, 1994 (age 17) Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Rapper, Maknae

Artistry and influences

Musical styles

In 2NE1's debut EP 2NE1, the group was noted to have a distinct, mixed style. While "Lollipop" was categorized as for pop, debut single "Fire" is predominately influenced by hip hop. "I Don't Care," however, was intended as a song with a reggae feel.[50]
Their comeback album, To Anyone, was marked by a strong shift into electronic music. "Go Away", the most successful promotional single from the album, is classified as dance.[51] However, songs like "It Hurts (Slow)" are R&B, another style that also characterized their first EP.[52] The three title tracks, "Clap Your Hands," "Go Away," and "Can't Nobody" were noted for their lasting impressions, as they topped music charts weeks after release.[53]
Thematically, 2NE1's music explores independence and female empowerment, such as in songs like "Go Away" and "I Don't Care".[54]


2NE1 is known for a "unique and edgier style".[55] During their debut single, the group was noted for being "hip-hop warriors" and the female counterpart to Big Bang but changed this perception with "I Don't Care" into strong, feminine women.[19] During the "It Hurts (Slow)" music video, the members were noted for their gothic, black attire[56] and strange hair and wigs.[57]
2NE1 has also been known to have close ties and relations with fashion guru and global fashion designer Jeremy Scott as he has stated they are somewhat his "muses".[58]


The 2NE1 cited different girl groups influences like Destiny's Child. Park Bom cited American singers, Beyoncé and Mariah Carey as her main influences because of their strong vocals and powerful performances. She has listed hip hop and R&B as her favorite music genres.[59] Youngest member Minzy cited famous entertainer Michael Jackson,[60] while leader CL said producer Teddy Park and American entertainers Madonna and Lauryn Hill are her role models.[61] Dara states that singer-actress Uhm Jung Hwa is her inspiration. She also likes Jennifer Lopez's music and style very much that she naturally became her role model as she sang along with her music growing up.[60]


Korean discography

Studio albums
Extended plays
Live albums
  • 2NE1 First Live Concert (NOLZA!) (2011)

Japanese discography

Extended plays
Singles (Physical)

Solo Tours/Concerts

NOLZA (2011)
  • Concert Date: August 26, 27 & 28, 2011
  • Concert Venue: Olympic Hall at Olympic Park Korea
Nolza in Japan (2011)

Other Concerts

YG Family Concert (2010)
  • Concert Date: December 3-5, 2010
  • Concert Venue: Olympic Stadium at Olympic Park Korea
The Party Concert (2011)
YG Family 15th Anniversary Concert (2011)
  • Concert Date: December, 2011
  • Concert Venue: Olympic Stadium at Olympic Park Korea
YG Family Concert (2012)
  • Concert Date: January, 2012
  • Concert Venue: Various,Japan


  • 2NE1TV (2009)
  • 2NE1TV Season 2 (2010)
  • 2NE1TV Live:Worldwide (SEASON 3) (2011)

Awards and recognition

When the group debuted, their song "Fire" and the subsequent live performances were dubbed unconventional and impressive. They won many awards on the weekly music shows, such as The Music Trend and Music Bank.[18] "Fire" also brought them the Song of the Month and Rookie of the Month awards for May.[62] "I Don't Care" brought them similar success and recognition and led 2NE1 to win the Song of the Year award at the 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards.[63] The same year, the group earned Cyworld Digital Music Awards for Top Selling Artist, Best Rookie Group, Bonsang Award, and Best Song for "I Don't Care".[64] The group was also nominated at the 2009 Golden Disk Awards for the Popularity Award, Rookie Award, and the Digital Bonsang.[citation needed] At the Melon Music Awards, the group was one and the only rookie of the Top 10 artists in South Korea and the Best New Artist.[65] They won This Year’s Stage, This Year's Album, This Year's Song on 2009 GQ Awards. They received 4 out of 10 nominations on Rhythmer Awards 2009 including Rookie of the Year, R&B Artist of the Year, R&B Single of the Year for "I Don't Care" and R&B Album of the Year for their 1st Mini Album. is famous for hip-hop and R&B promotion for both mainstream and underground Korean music.
2NE1 won their first Artist of the Year and Album of the Year award for To Anyone at the 2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards, in addition to awards for Best Female Group and Best music video for "Can't Nobody".[66] They are the first artist who has won all 3 grand awards at Mnet Asian Music Awards.
2NE1 was crowned "The Best New Band In The World" by MTV (television channel) Iggy on November 10th, 2011.[67]
On November 29, 2011, 2NE1 won the Best Vocal Performance by a Group for their song "Lonely" and awarded their 2nd Song of the Year for "I am the Best". 2NE1 now has the most Grand Awards in MAMA history with 4.

External links

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(part 2)

2NE1 2nd Mini Album

EP by 2NE1
Released July 28, 2011
(see release history)
Recorded 2011; YG Studio, Seoul, South Korea
Genre K-pop, hip hop, R&B, electropop, dance-pop
Length 21:41
Label YG Entertainment
KMP Holdings
(see release history)
Producer Teddy Park, Kush, Lydia Paek
2NE1 chronology
To Anyone
2NE1 2nd Mini Album (Korean) / NOLZA (Japanese)

Singles from 2NE1 2nd Mini Album
  1. "Don't Cry"
    Released: April 21, 2011
  2. "Lonely"
    Released: May 12, 2011
  3. "I Am the Best"
    Released: June 24, 2011
  4. "Hate You"
    Released: July 21, 2011
  5. "Ugly"
    Released: July 27, 2011
Alternative cover
"NOLZA" Japan CD+DVD edition Type B cover
Singles from NOLZA
  1. "I Am the Best"
    Released: July 21, 2011
  2. "Hate You"
    Released: August 10, 2011
  3. "Ugly"
    Released: August 31, 2011
  4. "Lonely"
    Released: September 14, 2011
The second mini-album of South Korean hip hop girl group 2NE1 was released on July 28, 2011, by YG Entertainment in distribution by KMP Holdings in South Korea. It contains six songs composed and produced by Korean producers Teddy Park and Kush. [1]
The album was also released digitally on iTunes in the same day.[2] A Japanese version of the mini-album, called "Nolza", was released in Japan on September 21, 2011 with all songs in Japanese versions but did not include Park Bom's solo song "Don't Cry". It was released in three editions: CD Only, CD+DVD (Type A) and CD+DVD (Type B).[3] Tracks 1 to 4 were all released as digital singles.

Development and background

On April 18, 2011, 2NE1 announced they would postpone their debut to Japan due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and would resume Korean comeback plans, pushing their mini-album's promotions forward, from July to April.[4]
Plans for the album's promotions were later on released on YG Life's blog on April 27, 2011, where the group stated that they we will be releasing a new single every three weeks leading up to the album's release. The group stated that the reason behind this plan was because they were more than satisfied with the level of quality in the album's tracklist and intended to use them all as title tracks for this promotion .[5] The promotions of the mini-album ended in August 21, on SBS's "Inkigayo".
2NE1 will now release the album in Japan titled NOLZA and also make their first debut on Music Station on September 2, 2011. The lead single from the Japanese version is I Am The Best.
The mini album was released in Taiwan on August 28, 2011 under Warner Music Taiwan and it debuted atop G-Music Combo charts on its first week of release, making it the first #1 release of the group in the country.[6]

Track listing

Korean EP:
No. Title Length
1. "I Am The Best" ("내가 제일 잘 나가") 3:30
2. "Ugly"   4:08
3. "Lonely"   3:29
4. "Hate You"   3:33
5. "Don't Cry" (Park Bom solo) 3:12
6. "Don't Stop the Music" (New version - with alternative lyrics) 3:49
Total length:
Japanese EP (NOLZA):
No. Title Length
1. "I Am The Best" (Japanese version) 3:31
2. "Ugly" (Japanese version) 4:11
3. "Lonely" (Japanese version) 3:30
4. "Hate You" (Japanese version) 3:33
5. "Don't Stop the Music" (Japanese version) 3:50
Total length:
Japanese EP (NOLZA) DVD - Type A (Music Videos)
No. Title Length
1. "I Am The Best" (Japanese version)  
2. "Ugly" (Japanese version)  
3. "Lonely" (Japanese version)  
4. "Hate You" (Japanese version)  
Japanese EP (NOLZA) DVD - Type B
No. Title Length
1. "Highlights from 2NE1TV Season 1 & 2"    


Album chart

Korean version

Chart Peak
South Korea Gaon Weekly album chart[7] 1
South Korea Gaon Monthly album chart[7] 1
U.S. Billboard World albums 4

Japanese version (titled NOLZA)

Oricon Chart
Released Oricon Chart Peak Debut Sales Sales Total Chart Run
September 21, 2011 Daily Albums Chart 1 25,792 40,634 4 weeks
Weekly Albums Chart[8] 1
Monthly Albums Chart 11

Single chart

Song Peak chart position
Gaon Chart[7] K-Pop Billboard[9] RIAJ Chart[10]
"I Am the Best" 1 21 37
"Ugly" 1 3 50
"Lonely" 1 - -
"Hate You" 3 14 -
"Don't Cry" (Park Bom solo)[11] 1 - -

Other songs charted

Song Peak position
Gaon Chart[7]
"Don't Stop the Music" 23

Sales and certifications

Chart Amount
Gaon physical sales[12] 81,000

Release history

Country Date Format Label Title
South Korea July 28, 2011 CD, Digital download KMP Holdings 2NE1 2nd Mini Album
Worldwide Digital download YG Entertainment
Taiwan August 26, 2011 CD, Digital download Warner Music Taiwan Zuixin Guanjun Mini 2 Ji Taiwan Duzhan Haohua Xianding Pan
Japan September 21, 2011 (Japanese version) CD, Digital download Avex Group, YG Entertainment NOLZA

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(part 3)

2NE1 (EP)

EP by 2NE1
Released July 8, 2009
(see release history)
Recorded 2009; YG Studio, Seoul, South Korea
Genre K-pop, hip hop, reggae, R&B, electropop, dance-pop
Length 25:30
Label YG Entertainment
(see release history)
Producer Teddy Park, Kush
2NE1 chronology

To Anyone

Alternate cover
Philippines edition
Singles from 2NE1
  1. "Lollipop"
    Released: March 27, 2009
  2. "Fire"
    Released: May 6, 2009
  3. "I Don't Care "
    Released: July 1, 2009
2NE1 is the self-titled debut album of Korean girl group 2NE1. It was released as a mini album, containing seven songs composed and produced by Korean producers Teddy Park and Kush. The album was released July 8, 2009.


2NE1's first song was "Lollipop", digitally released on March 27, 2009. The song was created for LG Cyon to promote their Lollipop phone, and it was a joint release with Big Bang; the commercial/music video debuted on March 28, 2009.[1] Although it was not a promoted single (as it was an advertisement song, there were problems with network chart eligibility),[2] "Lollipop" proved to be a strong chart hit, going to #1 on various online charts[2] and topping music television network M.Net's online chart for four weeks in a row.[3] It was also profiled in Perez Hilton's blog.[4] However, questions were raised about the group's future, as the song's success was attributed to the popularity of Big Bang.[5]
On April 30, Yang Hyun-suk revealed that 2NE1's debut song would be a hip-hop/reggae song, and that it would be digitally released on May 6, 2009.[6] Titled "Fire", the song was fully written and produced by 1TYM's Teddy Park.[7] Teasers of the song were released on their official website at the beginning of May, with a 20-second clip released on May 1.[8]

Commercial performance

On its first day, it recorded 50,000 sales in pre-orders. Their debut was a success on the Korean charts, and it headed straight to number 1 for its debut week, in which It sold 13,675 copies.
YG stated that the EP had already reached the 80,000 sales mark within 2 weeks, which is impressive since 2NE1 is only a rookie. [9] By the end of 2009 2NE1 sold approximately 100,000 copies.[10] It continued to show strong sales by charting on the 2010 year end chart for Gaon. Selling 40,949 making the mini albums total sales 140,949 copies.


The group's first performance of the song was on May 17, 2009, on SBS's Inki Gayo.[11] beginning the group's activities. Their first performance was also included in Perez Hilton's blog once again, showing his interest towards the group.[12]
Both the song and the group have been very popular online, with the song topping M.Net's online chart and the group's name becoming a top search term.[13] The group was also rewarded with three Cyworld Digital Music Awards, with both "Lollipop" and "Fire" winning "Song of the Month" awards and the group winning "Rookie of the Month" for May 2009.[14] They received their first Mutizen award during their fourth stage performance in SBS Inkigayo (Popular Song) on June 14, 2009. They received their second Mutizen award on SBS Inkigayo (Popular Song) on June 21, 2009.

Track listing

No. Title Producer(s) Length
1. "Fire"   Teddy Park 3:43
2. "I Don't Care"   Teddy Park, Kush 3:59
3. "In the Club"   Teddy Park, Kush 3:45
4. "Let's Go Party"   Teddy Park, Kush, Masta Wu 3:48
5. "Pretty Boy"   Teddy Park, Kush 3:25
6. "Stay Together"   Teddy Park, Kush 3:44
7. "Lollipop" (Bonus track) Teddy Park 3:05


  • "Lollipop" digitally released on March 27, 2009. The song was created for LG to promote their Cyon phone, and it was a joint release with Big Bang; the commercial/music video debuted on March 28, 2009.[1] Although it was not a promoted single (as it was an advertisement song, there were problems with network chart eligibility),[2] "Lollipop" proved to be a strong chart hit, going to #1 on various online charts[2] and topping music television network M.Net's online chart for four weeks in a row.[3] However, questions were raised about the group's future, as the song's success was attributed to the popularity of Big Bang.[5] Lollipop was used to debut 2NE1 unofficially, as it does not serve as their debut single.
  • "Fire" was the first official single from the album. Released in May, the song became a hit on various on- and offline charts. It was released as planned on May 6, with two versions of the music video — a "space" version and a "street" version — released the same day.[15] The videos received over one million views in a day;[16] the viewcount then increased to two million.[11]
  • "I Don't Care" was the second single from 2NE1, co-produced by YG's rising producer Teddy and Kush. After its digital release, interest in the song rose greatly, topping Cyworld's hourly music chart after an hour of its release. On July 9, they released a music video of "I Don't Care". On August 2, 2009, 2NE1 performed a live remix version of "I Don't Care" on Inki Gayo. It was also profiled in Perez Hilton's blog.[17] The group ended promotions for "I Don't Care" on August 30, 2009 in SBS Inkigayo with an unplugged version of the song.


  • Mastering: Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound)

Release history

Region Date Label Format
South Korea July 8, 2009 YG Entertainment CD
Thailand July 6, 2010 GMM Grammy CD
Philippines January 15, 2011 Universal Records CD+DVD
Japan March 16, 2011 Rhythm Zone CD, CD+DVD

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